Okay, I'll be thankful, part VI.

People like to post something they're thankful for every day during November. I've decided to jump in on the action by posting a few days at a time.

Things I'm Just Pleased as Punch About

November 21: I'm thankful for snobbery and snootery. As long as its done in fun and not totally forrealz, it makes life, like, totes more enjoyable.

November 22: I'm thankful for Friday lunch dates with Patrick. Especially when they include pizza. I'm thankful for pizza.

November 23: For the first time in my life (and I am in my 30s) I am the owner of a smartphone. So I'm thankful for 2005--the year I'm now joining.

November 24: I'm thankful for Sundays. Church, family, brunch, friends.

November 25: I suppose I'm thankful for Mondays, since this week is a 2-day work week for me. Holla!

What are you thankful for?


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