Okay, I'll be thankful, part IV.

People like to post something they're thankful for every day during November. I've decided to jump in on the action by posting a few days at a time.

Things I'm Just Pleased as Punch About

November 13: I'm thankful for my stinky salads. They're delicious, packed full of good veggies and tasty bleu cheese, and guarantee that unwanted visitors won't stay in my office for too long. No one likes the office that smells like foot.

November 14: I'm thankful to live in the South, where I get to say "pleased as punch" and "yonder" and "I'm fixin' to" and "caddywompus." It's just more fun that way. 

November 15: I'm thankful for my church. Not only do I feel more connected to and informed about God than I have in years, but they serve wine at get-togethers and have group meetings at Momo's.

November 16: I'm thankful for navigation devices, so I was able to make it to my old pal Renee's place in Central Florida without getting all kinds of lost.

What are you thankful for?


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