Comment. You might like it.

UPDATED: to include Fun suggestions of things to say in the comments. I thought everyone would really struggle to know what to say, so I decided to help. You're welcome.

So, my 5 regulars, how are you?

Have you noticed that I've switched things up here? Visually it's much less "ducks flying over a lake you can't see and kind of Boring in the non-Fun way"-esqe and more "I'm so sophisticated with my cool color palate and I added a picture of me finally"-esqe.

The picture is of me frolicking in a California vineyard. It adds to the sophistication.

Another thing I've changed is that you no longer have to do the weird word verify thing when leaving a comment. You know the one. Where you try to figure out what crazy letter/number combo you're looking at, enter it, get it wrong, try again, get it wrong again, and then say, "Um, nm. I don't care about leaving a comment that much."

You also no longer have to wait for the moderator (moi) to approve the message. If you write something nasty, I'll just delete it after the fact and pout in private. If you write something nice or positive or funny or relevant to my post, it'll be seen immediately and we'll all smile and hug.

I know. I hardly post and I'm hardly entertaining when I do, but as I've said before, I like (need) compliments and commenting is a perfecto way for you to accomplish this for me.

As of late, I feel motivated to actually try to post regularly, if that matters to you. By next week, I'll probably be back to, "Eh, once a quarter is fine," but we'll cross that bridge when we get there.

So, come on pretty lady... handsome, rugged fella... leave a comment. (A nice one.) You can try one out right now!

How nice my new picture is.
How pretty the new layout is.
How your day is going.
How I make you lol and snort milk through your nose.

I'll reward with you warm fuzzy feelings sent from me, through the computer, to you.

And feel free to continue to do so in the future! (Please please please.) You might enjoy it.


  1. I am an admitted blog lurker who never comes out of the shadows to comment, so your fun suggestions are very helpful. I've copied them down for reference and I now have something to say for your next four blog posts.

    PS...your new picture is just lovely!

    PPS...whoops, make that comments for your next three blog posts.

    1. YAY! SOMEONE COMMENTED! I'm not a total failure!

      You get the golden crown of Fun--no, make it a platinum crown--for giving me hope that I'm not writing to no one, and I look forward to future comments. Thanks so much. :)))) (That's a reallllly big smile from me to you.)

  2. I lurk too... I've read almost all of your blogs and am moderately entertained by them. Keep up the mediocre work. ;)

    (just to be clear, I'm being sarcastic)

    1. Two whole comments! Thanks for lurking, Jen. I definitely appreciate it. :)


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