Compliments only.

It really takes a mature person to handle constructive criticism. That's how I know I'm probably not quite grown up yet.

That's my way of prefacing the following statement: Please feel free to let me know what you think about my writing, as long as it's a compliment.

You see, I'm (sporadically) writing this blog for several reasons.
1) I figured I'd be at least as entertaining as some of the other junk I've seen out there.
2) It's a nice way to keep people vaguely aware of what the major haps are in my life.

But the main reason is,

In my most desperate voice I declare: I just want to be liked! I want people to think I'm funny! Oh heavens to Betsy and Mergatroid, please like me!

(I just collapsed on a fainting sofa for a moment until I could gather my wits and my strength. That's how passionate I am about being liked.)

So, if you don't think I'm funny, or a decent writer, I have a quick and easy suggestion: quit reading. But if you find me mildly amusing or at the very least don't mind killing a few minutes of time reading my nonsense, keep on reading.

And please, give me compliments. Lots of them.


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