Okay, I'll be thankful, part I.

People like to post something they're thankful for every day during November. I've decided to jump in on the action by posting a few days at a time.

Things I'm Just Really Pleased as Punch About

November 1: I'm thankful that it's November. Because eating pie for breakfast is most acceptable during this month.

November 2: I'm thankful for Patrick, my sweetheart. Who else is going to sacrifice for our family by drinking beer while I can't?

November 3: I'm thankful for down comforters. Without them, I'd have to turn the heat on much sooner, and I'm cheap and like a low bill.

November 4: I'm thankful for old bananas. Because you can use them to make banana coffee cake. The name "coffee cake" tells you to have it with your coffee, which is done first thing in the morning. Which means I can have cake for breakfast, in addition to pie. And that's a big ol' WIN.

What are you thankful for?


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