Okay, I'll be thankful, part II.

People like to post something they're thankful for every day during November. I've decided to jump in on the action by posting a few days at a time.

Things I'm Just Pleased as Punch About

November 5: I'm thankful for my cat. She can be a tad annoying sometimes, and licks her butt in front of company, and meows incessantly until we give her breakfast. But I like her anyway.

November 6: I'm thankful for my family. They make me laugh and love me and stuff. (And I love them.) Also, they sometimes buy me lunch or ice cream.

November 7: I'm thankful for workout DVDs. Because I eat a lot of cake and pie for breakfast this time of year.

November 8: I'm thankful for elastic waist pants. Because I eat a lot of cake and pie for breakfast this time of year.

What are you thankful for?


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