New blog. Same old Boring.

No one has asked about it. So, naturally, I assume you're all secretly DYING TO KNOW about the new tab at the top of the page, I Challenge Me to a Duel, and you're just too darn shy to ask me about it.

Silly Goose! You can ask me anything!

Or, you didn't even notice/care.

Either way, I'm here to let you know that I'm keeping a separate blog over there about my diet and exercise. My child is nearly 6 months old now and the old muffin top doughnut top is threatening to become a permanent fixture.

It's all, "Hey, I'm here to stay!"

And I'm all, "No! Go away!"

And it's all, "But you aren't making me go away. Nyah, nyah!"

And I'm all, "Oh yeah? Well watch this!"

It took me roughly 3.7 seconds to come up with the name I Challenge Me to a Duel because I'm my own worst enemy (aren't we all) and so I'm having to fight my own lazy nature in order to kick things into gear and get myself a little bit healthier.

No, I'm not great at naming things. Get over it.

If you're curious about what I'm eating and what exercise I am (or am not) getting, feel free to pop on over through the tab you see up at the top of the page or by going directly to the website:

If you have any questions you'd like to ask me, I'll first blush and giggle and be excited that someone cares enough to ask me a question. Then I'll try my best to answer it. Then I'll feel famous and awesome because someone actually interacted with me. (You all DO NOT LIKE TO INTERACT WITH ME and I get sad. "Maybe if you were funnier/smarter/more entertaining, Rebecca..." Touche. Touche.)  (Touche... I Challenge Me to a Duel... I didn't know I enjoyed fencing so much.)

If you're reading this, you have to admit you like Boring things, so you might be totally into the fact that I took the stairs twice one day or got sore from doing a prenatal workout DVD 5+ months after having a child.

And if you aren't curious, well, that's why I kept it separate, so you can read only the stuff you REALLY CARE ABOUT, like armadillosfabric paint, yogurt... the list goes on.

Sore abs and pictures of food to you and yours,


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