Year in review.

If the last day of the year isn't an appropriate time to look back over the year, then I don't know when is. Since you're just itching to know what my year looked like in a nutshell, I graciously decided to jot a few notes down for you. Consider it my (really lame) gift to you.

  • Celebrated 1 year of marriage in January. (Un)Officially became marriage experts and decided we'll never encounter any difficulties after a solid year of marriage under the belt to prove that we definitely have it all figured out.
  • Lost a family friend and a cousin.
  • Took a trip cross-country to California in April. Sipped wine. Dipped my toes in the Pacific Ocean. Quickly removed toes from the Pacific Ocean. (That sucka is C-O-L-D.) Climbed mountains. Made friends with a local deer and a goat. Ate lots. Laughed lots.
  • Babies were born, including my precious little Goddaughter, who likes me better than Uncle Patrick. Sometimes.
  • My nephew turned 3 in May and my niece turned 8 in December! (Quit getting older. Now. Stop it, you kids!)
  • People love getting married, so we went to weddings.
  • Got pregnant. Lied to people about drinking. "Oh, sure, this is a vodka tonic." ("Without the vodka, you easily-fooled simpletons! Muwahaha!")
  • Told people about being pregnant. Got hugs and smiles and warm fuzzies.
  • Took several classes at church. Officially a Biblical scholar now. (Is it even more wrong than usual to lie if it's about that?)
  • Enjoyed a week's vacation over the summer. Declared one week is not long enough.
  • Cooked fancy meals and also cooked ammonia fish (and 8-day tates).
  • Enjoyed Thanksgiving.
  • Got the beetus.
  • Had a holly, jolly Christmas, plus a week off of work. Remembered previous declaration that one week is not enough.
  • Wrote this recap.

It's bananas how much can happen in a year--both good and bad. I'm blessed to say that this year was packed chock full o' nuts goodness, with only a few dark clouds passing over. Next year, or heck, even just later today, is a mystery, and I look forward to seeing what it's all about and sharing bits and pieces of it with you. Hopefully in the Boringest, Funnest way possible.

Here's to changing your calendars and drinking champagne, or sparkling fruit juice if that's more your speed! (Oh yes, I will have a glass of champagne tonight. Try to stop me.)

Happy 2014!


Yeah, I drew a firework for you. Yeah, it's awesome.


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