Okay, I'll be thankful, part VII.

People like to post something they're thankful for every day during November. I've decided to jump in on the action by posting a few days at a time.

Things I'm Just Pleased as Punch About

November 26: I'm thankful for the upcoming days off work. (Do I even need to explain that one?)

November 27: I'm thankful for my mother-in-law. Happy birthday! Sorry your birthday is the day before Thanksgiving.

November 28: I'm thankful it's Thanksgiving! And for pie! And sides! And food comas! And leftover Turkey sandwiches! And "A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving"!

November 29: I'm thankful for my good friend Lynn. Happy birthday! Sorry your birthday is the day after Thanksgiving.

November 30: I'm thankful that as we enter December, we start the season of Advent, which of course, means CHRISTMAS IS NEARLY HERE!!!! (I like Christmas. And my Advent candy calendar.)

What are you thankful for?


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