Skippies. With light control.

It's taken years, but I think I've finally achieved something I honestly thought I never would. Exercise has become a habit.

I expect that you're all pretty impressed by this.

Sooo... NOT impressed?
Don't get me wrong, I still don't like it. It's like, hard and stuff. It makes me sweaty and out of breath and red faced and sore. I worked my legs on Monday and on Friday, my hammies were still sore. (Deadlifts, son! With 10 lb dumbbells! ...Clearly need to work on my legs more often.)

What I do like is
a) when I find a muscle peeking out where it didn't used to appear,
b) how I feel when that stupid 30 Day Shred video ENDS, and
c) better energy, better sleep, all that jazz that you've heard before.

So, I've conquered that monumental feat, and have moved on to trying the standing desk, as I've mentioned just recently.

To recap: I work out and stand up. Hold the confetti and marching band, please.

So, what's next for your most Boring, Fun friend on the interwebs? Sucking in.


People say to "brace your abs" to strengthen them. They also say that well strengthened abdominals are a "natural girdle." I think that's all just code for "suck in, dummy!"

Well, after gazing at a pretty impressive food baby after breakfast one morning, I said, to myself, "Self, perhaps you should try sucking in."

And, listening to myself (as I always give myself really, really excellent advice), I did. And guess what?

It's hard!

For one thing, I keep forgetting to do it. For another, when I manage NOT to forget, I must be bracing too hard because my breathing becomes more shallow.

The solution? A girdle. Not that "natural girdle" beeswax. A real one. Or spanx. After roughly four hours of trying to "brace myself," it has become evident I need a brace for my natural brace.

I'll let you know how my "light, light control" Skippies work out! (They promise to be kind to my budget and even kinder to me!)


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