Stop with compliments.

Apparently, I'd like people to stop doing lots of things. Being so dramatic. Being so positive. Being so negative. And now, you're all too darn complimentary. I sense a bit of a series here, don't you?

On to my missive. I'm sick of the lovefest we all have with each other. No, that's not true. I'm sick of the lovefest some people have with each other. Now is the time for me to admit I'm not one of the people who is surrounded by the effusive positive reinforcement I'm talking about today. (Worry not, best friends. I wouldn't have you any other way.) Maybe I am a wee bit jelly--that's "jealous" for those not hip to the freshest lingo, you jive turkeys, you--but I still feel there's a real issue here.

"You are so beautiful!"

"Love, love, love this picture! Could you be any more gorgeous?"

"Ahhhh, you're the best!" 

"Love you!" "Love you more!" "Love you the mostest!!!!!!"

People are saying these things in all seriousness. You may ask, "Geez, you Boring but (questionably) Fun girl, is that really so bad?" Well, no, if we said these things to only our closest and most intimate friends. We don't only say those things to them though, do we?

What I take issue with is the free-for-all, love-all-around hippy thing where we all love everyone including the newest bestie we just met last night and totes (that's "totally" for you squares, again) clicked with. It's just like saying hello now. 

"Hi, nice to meet you. You're so beautiful and funny and awesome. OMG, you're just the sweetest person. You're just so wonderful. Let's vacation together--road trip! Love you!"

And then, later, "Shoot, I should have gotten her name. I was totally going to facebook her."

I like to be told I'm gaaawww-geous, awesome, spectacular as much as the next gal, but I fear that we are giving each other egos that are full to bursting when we go around espousing our adoration of each other all willy nilly. Besides the splatter issues associated with bursting egos (it's not pretty), it gives you a false sense of friendship and closeness. I suppose that's not always horrible, but it seems to take a little something away from the words when you use them with your new Friday Night BFF just the same as your nearest and dearest.

For all of you who have actual friends who are so amazed by you, I tip my hat. Because I see that most of you you give as good as you get, and are equally amazed by your awesome friends. You don't have to stop. And if you want to tell me how supercalafragilisticexpialadocious I am, well, I guess I won't stop you.


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