Brag time.
Friends and family, I have a few things that I'm really pleased with myself about, and I'm gonna brag. Why?
Because. I. Can.
- We successfully completed our grocery shopping despite the stupid rain. WIN.
- Later that afternoon, I made Banana Coffee Cake and did NOT eat obscene quantities of it. WIN.
- We (and by "we" I mean "Patrick") made a really delicious dinner for 4. It was filling and super tasty. And the whole thing probably cost us $15 in ingredients. Saved money by not eating out. WIN.
- I actually cooked and ate the kale I bought the day before. For breakfast. That's an obvious WIN.
- I didn't want to work out, but I did anyway. For a full hour. That's the first time that's happened since probably January 2013. WIN.
- Our friends invited us over for Shepherd's Pie. I did NOT greedily and gluttonously inhale seconds, even though I badly wanted to. Why? Because I wasn't hungry any more and potatoes are carb-laden bombs of sugar spiking fury. WIN.
- Breakfast? Oh, just a little kale with my eggs. Again. That's 2 days in a row. WIN.
- I was thisclose to being to work on time. WIN.
What does all this mean?
Um, NOOOOO....
It means I'm a good little pregnant, gestationally-diabetic lady who shops smart and married a man who cooks, and cooks well. ALL OF THE WINS GO TO ME.
Oh, also? We unexpectedly got to see a 4D sonogram image of Prune Candy last week. I could be wrong since I don't know if those images tend to distort features or not, but it looks like the odds are in our favor of having a cute child with squishy lips and chubby cheeks. I also got a real sense of great intelligence and empathy. Winning through your kid who really you have no say-so about which genes they get but still acting like it's all a big competition and the kid is a direct reflection of how good you are as a person? Biggest WIN.
Humble (sugar-free) pie and sore glutes to you,
Anyone else have any big wins this weekend? Share in the comments!
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