Put your &^%* drink down.

Happy Ash Wednesday!

Is that an oxymoron?

Whether it be one or not, Mardi Gras/Fat Tuesday is over. Pull your shirt down and put away the beads. It's time to get some ashes smeared on your forehead and spend roughly (or, exactly) 40 days giving something up or taking something on.

"Does the fun ever stop with Rebecca?" you may very well be asking. The answer is an obvious, "No."


Anyway. Today marks the first day of Lent. Perhaps not the most joyful time of year, but still an interesting one, and ideally, a reverential one leading up to the celebration of Easter the same way Advent does for Christmas.

Even if you don't celebrate it, surely you know someone (ahem, moi?) who likes to try to give something up. Last year it was booze and cussing. I think I failed on both counts. You have no idea how often you cuss, even when you assume you rarely do, until 3 days into Lent you smash your finger and some little 4-letter word pops out of your mouth.

It was like Kai got hold of my hand and "SMASH, SMASH, SUUUMASH!" and I said, "&$#*!"

And then realizing what I said, I said, "Oh &$#*, I've already messed up!"

Despite my 2012 failure, I'm taking on my potty mouth again in 2013. I hope to keep my language rated PG and under.

Why? I don't know. (This seems to be the answer to why I do most of the things I do. I'm starting to see that I really ought to think more about things.) I don't necessarily think cussing is a sin, but it isn't exactly classy either, is it? I probably don't represent myself as well as I could when I'm using those "bad words."

As my niece is quick to remind the grown-ups, "We don't say that word."

Plus, generally, I'd just like to clean up my language. Most importantly, it would make my Mama glad. Gotta make Mama happy.

Now, about that alcohol. You're reading this on Wednesday, but I'm writing this several days in advance. I'm still undecided about that one. As you may recall, I have found my happy place (in general) with wine. And I really, really do enjoy it. But, giving up something that is a bit of a sacrifice is kind of the point isn't it?

Most likely, I will decide to give up the beer, wine, and vodka tonics... on Mondays. No--Mondays can be tough. Thursdays. I can abstain on Thursdays. I can't do just one day a week? FINE. All week. I'll probably give it up all week.


Or maybe not.

Oh the agony of decision!

Is anyone out there giving something up or taking something on?


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