My word. Where have I been?

You spotted a new post and had two thoughts:

1) For realz?
2) NOICE. 

I know, right? You thought I'd given up on this thing. I thought so, too, actually. Not in a purposeful, final, "I'm done!" kind of way. More in a gradual, "I haven't felt compelled to write anything, maybe I'll let it drift in to nothingness" kind of way, but without all the emo feelings that the phrase "drift into nothingness" can evoke.

And then BOOM BABY! I stroll over here on a whim like, why not post something once every year? I can do it if I want.

My whims got swagga. That's why they "stroll on over here" instead of "decide to click on the link in my bookmarks and see when was the last time I wrote something on the blog." Also, fewer words.

Speaking of the last time I posted, let's have a quick little break-down of my blogging pursuits in 2016:

  • The last time I posted was in July. 
  • The last time I posted something good was in June. 
  • This post will make a grand total of five posts for the year.

Succinct and impressive summary.

Well, succinct, anyway.

And now let's have a quick little update on me life... me mateys. I'm a pirate?

My honeybear is nearly 30. That's right. My young, old husband is finally snipping the tenuous thread that has kept me connected to being "20-something." He's decided to turn 30, and it's happening soon. Too soon. When that happens we won't be a young couple any more. (Please, for my sake, pretend we are now.) We'll just be a couple of thirty-something married folks with kids and a house. And a cat. #LizzieForEver

Actually, that's a pretty dope situation be in. But still. Bye-bye, youth. Hello, retinoids.

And yes, I did call Patrick "my honeybear." I don't know how he'd feel about that, but he doesn't sign off on these things, now does he?

Sutton is sassy and hilarious and annoying just like a 2 year old should be. She's also nearly potty trained. I didn't realize how big a deal this is until I went through it. IT'S A BIG DEAL. 
When the weather was just a wee bit less December-y.

Zoe is 9 months old now. She barrel rolls everywhere she wants to go. I doubt she'll ever crawl because she's such an efficient roller. It's surprisingly entertaining, but then again I grew her, so I'm more likely to find the stuff she does entertaining.
Like, "Look! She smiled! Oh my gosh, she smiled!"
"Isn't she supposed to smile?"
"Yes, but, LOOK!"

As good as she is at rolling around, she still hasn't figured out how to push herself up to a seated position and I'm silently competitive with other babies her age and younger who can do it. COME ON KID, THEY'RE MAKING YOU LOOK LIKE A FOOL.

I defy you to show me something more attractive than a man holding his baby while
picking out a Christmas tree. (It's a very specific kind of attractiveness.)

Also worth noting that all 3 of the above mentioned people, the man of house and our two little ladies, are the most adorable people I've ever laid eyes on, and I'm 1000% biased and confident in that assessment.

I'm nearly back to my pre-Zoe weight and this is a big deal to me. The short version of the story is: I gained more weight with Zoe than with Sutton because I didn't have gestational diabetes to force me to not eat all the fries. Then I realized that maybe with the second pregnancy you don't bounce back as quickly. I had that realization when, get this, I didn't bounce back as quickly. Then I saw a picture of myself and was like, "Yeah, this is not your best look." Then I got on the "eat better and exercise" train and progress has been slow but steady. My abs are hinting at a glorious second act. 

Before you roll your eyes, l
et me be real, now. When I slouch over, my belly still looks like a hairless Shar Pei. It's all wrinkles and folds and rolls. #momlife But still, if I stand up straight, suck in a little, twist ever so slightly, and stand in soft, flattering light, the abs kind of peek at me like, "Hey, we may come out in another 6-9 months of consistent work if you'll lay off the Christmas candy!"

Soooo... if anyone out there actually read this whole thing, comment or like! Let me know! Why? Idle curiosity, that's why! It will have zero impact on my posting in the future. But still, let me know! Tell me you've missed me!

And if you do, maybe I'll tell you why our kids are probably going to be the ones to ruin Santa for your kids. Because we're not doing "Santa." Yeah, I said it. 

Sorry it's been 5 months although no one seems to have noticed, but, um, HEY!,
to you and yours,



  1. You know I noticed you were a bit slow in posting, but then, you always were a procrastinator.
    (May you never find yourself dumpster diving for old newspapers on Wednesday night for a daughter who needs newspaper articles that exemplify each of the bill of rights, due by Thursday morning, because the daughter waited until the last minute to start the assignment. Not that I'm naming any names.)


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