Cotton brain: A recipe for a spectacularly bad blog post.

If you clicked on the link to read this post after having seen the title, then I absolve myself of all responsibility for your lack of enjoyment of this post. You've been warned.

You've heard folks say they feel like they have a mouth full of cotton balls when they "have food poisoning" (aka, they're hungover).

Well, I fell like someone has lifted the lid on my noggin (the hinges hide under my hair) and removed my brain, and filled the cavity with cotton balls.

"What the frank do you mean, Rebecca?"

Forgive me if my metaphor leaves much to be desired. What I mean is that I feel fuzzy. You ever have those days where your brain just feels sluggish? Slow? Fuzzy?

I already said "fuzzy"? Oh. Forgive me. I'm just really fuzzy today. Huh? Oh, sorry for repeating myself. I'm just so fuzzy-headed today.

It cannot be blamed on lack of sleep, even though I am putting in OT at work. I still manage to get in at least 8 hours of sleep.

Allow me to take a moment to pontificate: You can tell what's really important to you by what you make time for. (Did I just blow your mind? No? Oh. Anyway. As you may guess, a solid night of sleep is very important to me.)

So what has this old girl so discombobulated? 


That's a funny word.

Say it slow. Dis-com-BOB-u-lated.

Say it fast. Discombobulated!

What was I saying--besides the word discombobulated?

Oh, yeah.

I don't know why I'm so out of it. But I want coffee.

Mmmm... coffee. Yep, I think I'll go make a cuppa joe.

Maybe I'll stop trying to write when my brain is running at half mast, resulting in nonsensical metaphors and really, really Boring (and not at all Fun) entries. I'd say I'm sorry 'bout the stunning failure on my part to be witty and delightful today (presupposing that I am witty and delightful on other days), but I already absolved myself of responsibility. But, um, Happy Friday, anyway! I hope you have a weekend full of banana pancakes, laughter, and no pollen.


Thanks for helping me sort that out! Couldn't have done it without you. xo


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