High-fives available.

Do you feel down? Feel like you could use a little cheer? Would a high-five set your day on the right track?

If so, see me. I can introduce you to a 15-month-old gal who will gladly give you a high-five. Or two. Or ten.

Allow me to give you a tantalizing glimpse at the innumerable and inexhaustible amount of high-fives that I can put you in contact with:

Yesterday this tiny person with chunky thighs high-fived her mom, her dad, and the cat (who found it beneath her dignity to reciprocate). She high-fived a teacher in the hallway at school. Then she high-fived her own teacher. And her other teacher.

For the duration of the day, while she was not under her mother's eagle-eyed gaze, she probably high-fived all kids in her class and any and everyone she passed. But I'm just guessing. However, once she was back in parental custody, I have it on good authority that she high-fived her teachers again (to say goodbye), air-fived her classmates, high-fived her mom again (to say hello), the receptionist on the way out of school, and the teacher's aide standing by the door. She gave air-fives to a number of parents in the parking lot.

Later, when her parents dropped by the church real quickly, she gave high-fives to the head priest ("High-five, Father! Right on!") and another church member. At the restaurant after that, she gave high-fives to the couple standing behind her. And the guy in front of her. (Is it still a high-five if you just hit a guy on the back while he's not looking? Sure it is.) Once she had her food, the nice woman sitting next to her got high-fived. Many more air-fives were given to all the lovely people in the restaurant.

Back at her home after dinner, her mom, her dad, and the wary cat got more high-fives. Her mother got a final high-five that clearly said, "I love you, mom. You're the best person I know. Don't tell dad. Good night. I'll be good tonight, and forever."

So what I'm saying is, if a high-five would make your day, see me. I know just the (tiny, adorable) person.

High-fives to you and yours,


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