Hooray for non-wedding photos.

For the first time in ages--or more accurately, roughly 1 year and 7 months, the length of time I've been married--neither my facebook timeline photo or profile picture have anything to do with my wedding.

This morning, I saw some photos taken a few weekends ago posted online by our cousin Kristin. She and her husband, Bruce, were in St. Augustine for a week before a belated Jamaican honeymoon, and we'd driven over to visit and spend a night with them and the Jacksonville family.

Yes, they are the same Kristin and Bruce who we visited in California roughly 4 months ago, which vacation you know nothing about other than the fact that we traveled there and ate burgers.

I swear, I have Part II written, I've just been insanely lazy about posting pictures to the entry so I can post it at last. (I've been insanely lazy about the whole blog thing. But, since I make no money and never made any real promises about keeping this a regular thing, well... consider this post a rare treat. Or punishment. Whatever.)

Anyway, one thing about Bruce is that he likes to take pictures. Lots and lots of them. And lots more. He loves candids, posed shots, and stealth-photography when the subjects don't know their images are being captured for all posterity. And from this St. Augustine weekend, I saw posted some that were taken of Patrick and me that, frankly, were adorable as all heck and hellfire.

I've been looking to update my cover photo on facebook and thought one of them would totally fit the bill. So I changed it.

You can say it; you know you want to: aaawwwwww.

And immediately I started getting likes.

At first, I was all, "Aww, they think it's a really cute picture!"

But then it hit me. It is a cute picture (let's not kid ourselves), but I think folks were thrilled to see that I have finally have moved on from the wedding photos.

I imagine my facebook friendsies saying, "It's about time! Lord, has nothing happened to her since she got married? Have she taken NO good pictures since then?"

So, everyone, you're welcome. But I can't promise that a wedding photo won't reappear come anniversary time. You have a reprieve until January then.

Happy Monday.


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