All about them buns, hon.

It seems that it's time for my annual January blog post!

Hey-eyyyy! Ho-oooooh! Hey (hey)! Ho (ho)!

Now that I've gotten that awkwardness out of the way, I'd like to extend to you my warmest salutations and best wishes for a wonderful 2018. 

How goes it, folks? (Folk?) I hope you are doing great, and that if you aren't doing great, that you're hanging in there with that hope that it'll be good soon.

There has been so much that has happened in the months since I've last written... at least I'm pretty sure there has. I don't exactly recall much in the way of specifics, but I'm pretty sure I've lived some life, so something must have happened. It was probably amusing, too. 

I can't be bothered to recall what may have gone on in recent months, but fortunately for you, I have a current tidbit to share that will enlighten, entertain, and invigorate you. That tidbit is...

I made hamburger buns!!!!!

You see all those exclamation points?! I put those there not to reflect my own excitement, but what I imagine YOUR excitement to be! You're sooooo welcome!

(The title of this blog, although slightly dumb, is still accurate. As long as you ignore the "Can Be Fun" part.) 

Yeah, you read that right. I MADE HAMBURGER BUNS, Y'ALL. From scratch. Like some kind of Betty Crocker-actin', apron- and pearls-wearin', June Cleaver type of woman.

*mic drop*

This most exciting event--the feat that is mixing flour, water, sugar, salt, and yeast--was precipitated by my yearly December budget review wherein I ascertained that we once again blew it over the holidays. That review kicked off my yearly January dedication to lowering the budget where possible.  Since the grocery store is a constant source of budgetary pain, and I have had some recent success with baking bread and rolls, I was emboldened to declare that, for the meatball sammies I planned for dinner one night, I SHALL BAKE THE SANDWICH BUNS, AND LO, THE FAMILY SHALL EAT THEM.

And then I did that thing.

On Sunday, I got out my recipe, my ingredients and got to work. I don't have a fancy stand mixer, so I even had to knead it by hand. BY HAND, YOU GUYS. I had to let that stuff rise. Then reshape and let it rise again. It was fancy, important work, and I was fancy and important while doing it.

Once they were all baked (to perfection, I'd like to add), I let them cool, wrapped them in foil and put them in the freezer to make sure they stayed as fresh as possible for our Thursday night meal. 

I taste tested one after thawing them and warming them up in the oven, and I'm here to report that I nailed it. NAILED IT. (SO MANY ALL-CAPS THINGS ABOUT BUNS.) Oh, and the meatballs for our meatball sandwiches? I made those bad boys, too, and they were also scrumptious. #domesticdiva

So that's me as of January 2018. Trying not to spend our life savings at the grocery store by making one batch of hamburger buns. A complete and total victory for this very boring, marginally fun lady over here.

And how are you? Are you making exciting things like "bread" or, less specifcally, "dinner"? Tell me about it. (You won't, I know you won't. But if you did, I'd be delighted.)

Soft, slightly sweet, chewy, fluffy hamburger buns to you and yours,


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